Slow Cooker Grass-Fed Rib Roast


Why I include organic, grass-fed beef in my diet as a Holistic Nutritionist!

It seems like the trendy thing these days is to bash meat, so I wanted to share why I love it & always will!


Grass-fed & grass-finished beef that’s organic is SO much more nutritious than the conventional beef from non-organic farms.

Conventional beef contains #antibiotics, #hormones and other drugs that can affect our #guthealth. Plus infections run rampant in factory farms due to unsanitary conditions, therefore increasing the use of drugs.

They’re also more inflammatory because of their unnatural diet. A cow’s natural diet is grass, NOT grain. Grain is much more inflammatory to the animal and more inflammatory to humans when they eat it.


Beef is rich in vitamin A, D, E and B12, minerals like iron & heart healthy omega-3 fats. Even saturated fat - which if from a good source is actually good for us, especially our brain.

Beef is also a much more bioavailable source of nutrients compared to plant sources - meaning your body can absorb these nutrients more easily!

For example, the B12 in meat is the active form methylcobolamin, where in plants contain cyanocobalamin, a less active form.


When you eat beef that’s raised right without antibiotics, hormones, other drugs and grains, it can’t be beat!


Additionally for many people with digestive issues, eating lots of beans, legumes and grains can further exacerbate their symptoms.


Lastly, choosing real, organic meat will always be a better option than refined, processed plant-based items like #BeyondMeat, soy products or #ImpossibleBurger (don’t even get me started on this genetically modified fake food!!)

*P.S. if beef says “grass-fed”, it might not be fully grass-fed. Most farmers fatten their cows with grain towards to end, making them more inflammatory, so make sure you do your research and choose a local farm! Don’t be fooled by labels like “natural” or “antibiotic-free”! Know your farmer!



  • Rib roast - mine was a cross rib roast weighing about 3.3 lbs

  • 5 large carrots, chopped into big chunks

  • 5 celery, chopped into big chunks

  • 1 onion, chopped into big chunks

  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed or minced

  • 10 little potatoes cut in half

  • 1 tsp rosemary

  • 2 tsp parsley

  • Himalayan salt and pepper to taste (I love lots of salt!)

  • 1/8 tsp ground sage

  • 1 tsp oregano

  • 2 cups filtered water

  • 1 cup balsamic vinegar

  • 1 kabocha squash (optional) cut into large chunks with the skin on


  1. Wash and chop all veggies and place them on the bottom of the slow cooker.

  2. Add your roast on top.

  3. Add all your spices.

  4. Carefully pour water and balsamic vinegar over everything.

  5. Add your chunks of squash (in the skin) on top.

  6. Cover, seal and set to cook on low for 6 hours.

Tip: Make sure you save your bones to use for bone broth later! You can also freeze any additional liquid to be used for broth.

Enjoy!! I’d love to hear how this went in the comments below!