6 Powerful Immune-Supportive Supplements & High-Quality Brands


Supplements, of course, are meant to “supplement” a healthy diet, but they can be a game-changer for your immune health, giving you that extra boost of nutrition when you need it. What’s even better, is supplementation can help prevent getting sick altogether! 

If you’re looking for brands…

I’ve linked my preferred products below from my supplement dispensary to make it easier for you to find trusted brands, at therapeutic dosages.

Disclaimer: always consult your healthcare provider before implementing changes to your health protocol.

Vitamin D

Around 40-75% of people are deficient in vitamin D. This nutrient is crucial for the function of every cell in our bodies, as nearly every cell has a vitamin D receptor. Deficiency is associated with increased risk of infection, specifically upper respiratory infection. One study out of England with 80,000 people showed that those with low vitamin D levels under 50 n/mols/L were 2.4 times more likely to be hospitalized with C0VID-19 than those with normal levels.

The active D3 I’ve linked below contains vitamin K2 for optimal calcium absorption and is in a clean MCT oil, free of additives and easy to take.

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that we must get through diet or supplementation. It is essential for the function of the adrenal glands and is rapidly used up during times of stress, such as mental/emotion stress or infection. It’s one of the best nutrients to supplement for prevention or during active infection, supporting both the innate and adaptive immune system.

Bioflavonoids like quercetin, work synergistically with vitamin C, boosting effectiveness and anti-inflammatory benefits. During a cold or flu, vitamin C can be taken in higher doses, divided throughout the day, to bowel tolerance. 

I’ve linked my favourite (great tasting!) vitamin-C with bioflavonoids below.


Zinc serves a vital role in keeping our immune system healthy. Zinc inhibits vi ral replication and helps destroy pathogens that cause colds and flus. It’s also key for thymus function and protects the body against free radical damage.

Zinc bysglycinate is the most active, bioavailable form and the product linked below is chelated for even better absorption.


Echinacea is known to have prominent immune-enhancing and anti-microbial properties, and is very useful for fighting active infections like vi ruses and bacteria. Echinacea is especially beneficial for upper respiratory tract infections and symptoms, helping remove mucus and phlegm, and killing pathogens in the upper airways. It’s a great herb to take during times of active infection.

Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano is one of those herbal supplements I think everyone should have on hand! It’s inexpensive, easy to use, and contains wide-spread antimicrobial properties, including helping fight vi ral, bacterial, parasitic and yeast infections. 

Consult your doctor if taking blood thinners and avoid during pregnancy.

Reishi (Beta-Glucans)

I’ve added this in as more of a long-term immune support supplement that can be great for prevention or for those dealing with more chronic immune issues. Medicinal mushrooms like chaga and reishi (the non-psychoactive mushrooms ;), are incredible sources of beta-glucans, which provide a vast array of immune-supportive benefits. Beta-glucans have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immunomodulatory properties. Reishi also has anti-stress and relaxation benefits, while supporting the liver.

Click HERE to create your free account and find my Immune Support Protocol for everything in one place and best practices for how to take the products!

Asher Kleiber

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™





The encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, 3rd Edition, Michael T. Murray, ND & Joseph Pizzorno, ND