How to Navigate the Holidays Without Sabotaging Your Health Goals

Photo: Daria Shevtsova

Photo: Daria Shevtsova


Does it feel impossible to get through the holidays without completely sabotaging your health goals? It certainly doesn’t have to be this way! Being dedicated to keeping your health a priority does not need to involve social isolation, shame and restriction. It is possible to still enjoy this fun and festive season without completely throwing your health out the window until January. I’ve gathered some of my top tips for navigating the holidays and staying on track with your wellness, without sacrificing time with friends and family.


Watch Your Sugar Intake

It is so easy to consume sugar all day long, that most of us do it without even realizing it! Orange juice, toast and jam at breakfast, refined bread at lunch, more bread and pasta for dinner and all the little chocolates and Christmas candies in between. Keep an eye on how much added sugar you are eating this month, choose more whole foods whenever possible and reduce unhealthy snacking between meals, especially snacking out of boredom. Keep in mind that alcohol and juice are also sources of sugar that are easy to overdo.


Choose Wisely for the First Meal of the Day

Try to avoid eating foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates for the first meal of the day and opt for balanced meals containing healthy fats, protein and fiber. These meals will help keep you full, satiated and help to balance your blood sugar levels, reducing cravings and fatigue later on. A great option would be eggs, with a vegetable medley, some sweet potatoes, avocado, herbs, sea salt and sugar-free hot sauce if you’re feeling fancy!

Additionally, keeping meals balanced and lower in “junky” carbohydrates throughout the day will help you better deal with stress, avoid burn-out and keep your mood more stable, making it easier to handle the busyness of the season!


Avoid Going to Events on an Empty Stomach

Not going to parties starving will significantly decrease your desire to go all out at the desert table. If you do decide to indulge a little, enjoy these foods alongside healthier ones and try to include fiber-rich vegetables, as well as some protein and fat in your meals. Another great option is to bring a delicious, healthy dish with you. I love bringing a colorful veggie dish seasoned with flavor-packed herbs or a healthy, whole-food, gluten-free desert to events!


Don’t Restrict Calories or Let Guilt Dictate Your Food Choices

Choosing healthy options does NOT mean you need to overly restrict calories. Calorie restriction has many negative consequences, such increased cravings and likeliness of binging on unhealthy, sugary foods, poor nutrition and ultimately misery! Food is meant to be enjoyed and while you should pay attention to hunger cues, guilt and restriction should never, ever be the deciding factor when it comes to how you choose to fuel your body. This can lead to disordered eating habits and a destructive mindset surrounding food. Every day is a fresh start and you can always make healthier choices again tomorrow.


Bring the Focus Away from Food

We all have our holiday traditions, most of which revolve around unhealthy food. While there’s no problem whatsoever with enjoying a delicious meal with family and friends, we can also try creating new traditions that will support our health. Get creative and involve the whole family!


Did any of these tips help you this Christmas season? Leave me a comment and let me know! Want more healthy tips? Check out my last article here.


Asher Kleiber

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™