Is The Paleo Diet The Best Gut Healing Diet? (+ Why I Eat Paleo)


Is there one single diet that’s best for everyone? The answer is no, nutrition should be personalized. BUT there are definitely guidelines that the average person can follow that will lead them to a MUCH healthier way of living.

The “diet” or way of eating I personally choose to follow and teach as the foundation of my Gut Restore Program is a Paleo diet.

I have tried pretty much every “healing diet” out there to support my health, including gluten-free, keto, low FODMAP, Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) and even carnivore! I’ve also run Food Intolerance Testing (and removed all 33 foods I was sensitive to…), which can be helpful for some people to pin point inflammation and is a test I do offer my 1:1 clients.

Although I briefly considered a vegan diet in the past while in the depths of chronic illness, I’ve never tried it and I’m very glad I didn’t. It may help some people feel better short-term, but eventually those people tend to run into issues and deficiencies. For me, it would have been disastrous when I was dealing with severe gut issues, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue and autoimmunity!

While some of the healing diets I’ve tried have been very beneficial for a period of time, such as Carnivore, my foundational way of eating that I keep come back to that supports me best is paleo.

(P.S. I’m not saying this diet is right for everyone or that you need to do this alone in order to improve your health! It can be a great tool though.)

What Is A Paleo Diet?

A paleo diet is rooted in paleolithic or ancestral ways of eating. It emphasizes whole, unprocessed, organic foods, naturally-raised meat, fish and eggs, nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits for fibre and antioxidants and encourages plenty of healthy fats from whole food sources as well as anti-inflammatory oils. It removes processed and inflammatory sugars, grains and oils, as well as many of the potential allergens and gut irritants commonly found in the modern diet, such as artificial sweeteners, dyes and gluten.

Is A Paleo Diet A Very Low Carb or Keto Diet?

While paleo is lower in carbohydrates, as it does not include grain-based foods such as rice, breads and pasta, it is not an extremely low carb diet by any means. It is also not a ketogenic diet, although a keto diet definitely has benefits. It still permits carbohydrates from whole foods, including root vegetables like squashes and sweet potatoes, whole fruits, other starchy vegetables such as carrots, as well as natural sweeteners like raw honey, maple syrup and coconut sugar. I do generally recommend keeping carbohydrates lower and eating natural sweeteners sparingly, the way our ancestors did, but it is no way as extreme as keto where natural sugars are highly avoided.

Health Benefits of A Paleo Diet

There are numerous health benefits of eating a paleo diet, some of which include:

  • Reduced inflammation & HbA1c levels

  • Improved digestive health, including reduced bloating, gas, pain, IBS symptoms & more regularity

  • Increased fat loss

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome and improved cardiovascular markers such as lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides

  • Increased energy

  • Improved mental health

  • Lowered risk of type 2 diabetes and improved insulin sensitivity and glucose markers

  • Improved outcomes in autoimmunity, such as autoimmune thyroid disease

Why I Eat & (Generally) Recommend A Paleo(ish) Diet

With numerous “gut healing diets” circulating today, why would someone choose to follow this way of eating? What I’ve found in my own life and in dozens of clients that have come through my program is that this way of eating helps set a new baseline for health. It encourages whole foods, provides variety and nutrient-density all while being highly satiating. It doesn’t restrict whole foods and I don’t encourage calorie or macro tracking. It emphasizes high quality proteins and anti-inflammatory fats, so you won’t feel hungry or missing foods you used to eat. I also enjoy that this style of eating allows for natural sweeteners and healthy desserts and is less restrictive than other plans.

The Potential Downfalls of Paleo

There are some potential downfalls of following a paleo diet that should also be addressed. One of them being that it’s generally very high in meat, which might not be optimal for all people. I do personally eat and recommend my clients eat a fair amount of meat, as it’s one of the best foods to support digestion and has high levels of easily absorbable nutrients that are not as readily available in plant foods, such as B12, iron and zinc.

Another potential downfall of eating a more strict paleo diet is of course the mental side of restricting foods that some people do struggle with. If this is the case for you, I’d suggest working with a mental health professional to address this at the root.

Level Up Your Gut Health in 2024 with The Gut Restore Program!

I don’t believe there is one set diet for everyone and fully understand that while some may thrive on one diet, another person may not, or they simply may need to go at a different pace. This is why I help you personalize your nutrition inside the Gut Restore Program.

During our 6 weeks together, I provide you with 1-on-1, highly personalized guidance and support to help you reach your digestive health goals. The program will help you address root cause factors as to why you may be experiencing symptoms such as bloating, pain or discomfort and irregularity, and help you put your new knowledge into action under the guidance of a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (that’s me!)

We also go beyond nutrition, where I’ll help you form healthier lifestyle habits, support the gut-brain axis and incorporate highly personalized and effective supplements to take your health to the next level, while suiting your individual needs and goals.

Click here to learn more or book your free 15 minute call with me now!