7 Easy Hacks for Better Sleep


If you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep you are certainly not alone! Millions of people have problems with sleep regularly. Fortunately, there are an abundance of natural tools you can use to get a good night’s sleep without having to resort to sleeping pills. Here are 7 ways to hack your sleep and help you feel refreshed.

Reduce Your Exposure to Unnatural Blue Light

Blue light emitted from all screens including computers, tablets and iPhones, as well as light bulbs, has a negative effect on our body’s circadian rhythms, which regulates our sleep/wake cycles. Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to avoid, but you can take steps to reduce your exposure and support your circadian rhythms by:

  • Wearing blue light blocking glasses while on electronics and a few hours before bed.

  • Taking breaks from your computer and phone whenever possible.

  • Exposing your eyes to unfiltered sunlight (not through a window) first thing in the morning for a natural healthy dose of blue light.

  • Avoiding screens 1-2 hours before bed.

  • Always using a blue light filter on your electronics such as f.lux.

  • Sleep with a sleeping mask.

Balance Your Blood Sugar Levels with Proper Diet

What does your blood sugar have to do with sleep? A lot! When we have imbalanced blood sugar, this not only makes us sleepy during the day, but it can also keep us up at night as our blood sugar drops.  What you eat during the day has a significant impact, so focus on:

  • Eating healthy proteins, fat and fiber at each meal

  • Avoiding refined carbohydrates

  • Complex carbohydrates at dinner, such as squash may help

  • Avoiding junky foods and sugar especially before bed

Avoid eating before bed

Common advice to help avoid blood glucose dips is to eat a small snack before bed. However, if you don’t have blood sugar issues, there are many benefits of avoiding eating 2 hours before bed including increased detoxification, better sleep, less bloating, improved insulin sensitivity and improved cellular repair.

Have a Sleep Schedule

This can be challenging at first but can make a huge difference! Do your best to stick to a set schedule for a few weeks, even on the weekends. (I promise it will be worth it!) This will help regulate your circadian rhythms and get your help get hormones back on track.

Avoid Stimulants After 12 PM

Stimulants, especially from coffee, tea or energy drinks can cause major sleep disruption. People metabolize caffeine at different rates, but according to research, for some caffeine may still be 50% effective up to 5-7 hours later! Lesser thought of stimulants to consider are refined sugars, chocolate, PMS meds like Midol and decaf coffee.

Create a Nighttime Routine

A routine will tell your body that it’s time to sleep. Play around with your routine and see what works best for you! Here are some ideas:

  • Journal or “brain dump”

  • Warm bath with epsom salts (magnesium is calming)

  • Diffuse essential oils like lavender, cedarwood or frankincense

  • Deep breathing

  • Gentle stretching

  • Meditation

Support Your Sleep with Herbs and Nutrients

Having calming teas before bed can be an easy way to lower stress and support healthy sleep. Melatonin is a commonly prescribed sleep aid, though it should not be taken long-term and using other natural sleep-aids is preferred. Caution should be taken before using herbs if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Some calming herbal teas include:

  • Lemon balm (do not use with thyroid disorders)

  • Hops

  • Passionflower

  • Valerian root (do not use with other sleep aids)

  • Holy basil

Other supplements:

  • L-theanine – an amino acid commonly used to support sleep

  • Magnesium – very important for sleep and most are deficient

Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep and the crucial role your nutrition plays in this! I’d love to help you optimize your nutrition so you can start sleeping better!

Asher Kleiber

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™